Perception: 7 Steps of perception & educational guidance for best learning


The mental process that gives immediate knowledge of external stimuli, i.e., stimuli received from the environment, is called perception.

There are 7 steps of perception which we will discuss today.

In perception, a person interprets sensations and makes them meaningful. Perception does not only mean seeing an object directly; that is, perception is not only the sensation received from the sense of sight but can be based on the sensation received from any of the senses.

Tasting something, hearing something, feeling a pricking sensation in the skin, etc. are examples of perception. If a child hears the sound of a dog and recognizes that it is the sound of a dog, then this is an example of sensation received from the sound sense.

Sensation is the first reaction of the brain towards a stimulus. While perception is the second reaction that occurs after sensation. Sensation refers to the stimulation of the sense organs towards an external stimulus, while perception refers to giving meaning to the sensation.

When the present sensation is similar to previous knowledge, then the meaning of the present sensation becomes clear, as a result of which, perception starts taking place.

Definition of Perception

There are two most famous definition of Perception which explain the term very well.

According to Ryburn, the process of interpreting sensation on the basis of experience is called perception.

The process of interpretation of sensation according to experience is known as perception. [1]

In the words of Woodworth, “Perception is the process of getting to know objects and objective facts by use of the senses.” Perception is a mental process that occurs after sensation occurs and before thinking begins.

Sensation is based on external stimuli, in which there is no place for prior experience or learning. On the contrary, external stimuli and prior experience and learning play a significant role in perception.

7 Steps of Perception

There are considered to be seven steps of perception. Although the first five steps are related to sensation, perception occurs after sensation. Hence, all the seven steps are called steps of perception.

Here are the 7 steps:

7. Perception

6. Comparison of sensation with previous experience

5. Organization of sensation

4. Transmission of stimulation to the knowledge center of the brain through sensory fibers

3. Effect of sense organs on the elements

2. Stimulation of the senses

1. Causal stimulation

Difference between Sensation and Perception:

Here is the difference between sensation and perception:-


1. Sensation is the first step towards acquiring knowledge.

2. Sensation has no connection with previous experience.

3. Sensation is a very simple mental process.

4. In sensation, only the sense organs and nervous system of the person are active.

5. The knowledge obtained through sensation is vague and uncertain.

6. Sensation provides immediate experience.


1. Perception is possible only after sensation.

2. Perception is based on prior experience and learning.

3. Perception is a relatively complex mental and cognitive process.

4. Perception involves cognitive operations.

5. Knowledge obtained through perception is clear and definite.

6. Perception interprets that experience and gives it an organized form.

Characteristics of Perception

The characteristics of perception are as follows:-

1. Perception is a psychological function in which an organism must perform some cognitive process.

2. In perception, sensations are scattered and then perceived in an organized form. When all the sensations related to the color, smell, shape, and touch of a flower are organized in an integrated manner, then the flower can be perceived.

3. A person perceives only meaningful stimuli.

4. Perception is based on a person’s prior experience and learning.

5. The basis of perception is change. Perception occurs only when there is a change in the stimuli of the environment.

6. Perception is complete in nature. In perception, not only is the stimulus explained, but also the missing or absent parts of the stimulus are completed. For example, while looking at a bus, a person is not able to see all its parts, yet he perceives the bus by considering only some of its seen parts as a complete bus.

7. Perception is an individual process. Due to individual differences, there is a difference in the perception of different people. Some people find the world painful, and some find it pleasant.

Educational Guidance for Perception

The Meaning is given to an object or situation through perception. The basis of perception is a person’s prior knowledge. Therefore, an important task of education is to increase the prior knowledge and experiences of children as much as possible. That’s why educational guidance for perception is important.

Perception has a close relationship with the power of observation. Therefore, for the development of perception, maximum development of observation power should be done in children from the very beginning.

In new education systems like Montessori and kindergarten, more attention is paid to the development of observation power.

Children should be provided with an environment in which they are as active as possible. For this, opportunities for games, exercises, and activities should be provided. Children’s perception can be developed by arranging excursions for children and developing their observation power.

For the development of perception, it is necessary to attract the attention of children towards various objects present in the environment.

More use of new teaching methods like the Project Method, Dalton Method is helpful in developing observation power in children. “Learning by doing” develops the ability of observation and perception in children.

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By Dr. Dev Arora

Hey there! I'm Dev, and let me tell you a bit about myself. Education has been my passion since I was a kid, and I've dedicated my life to teaching and learning.

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