Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory : A Guide to Child Development

Ecological Systems child development due to interaction between family members and school teacher
child development due to interaction between family members and school teacher


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Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, also known as the ecological model, is a basic structure for understanding how the environment affects human development.
An American psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner developed Ecological system theory. Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917 – 2005) was born in Russia.

5 Levels of the theory

This theory states that child’s development is the result of interaction with the environment. Theorist Bronfenbrenner has divided the person’s environment into five circles. Ecological perspective on human development :

Ecological Systems
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems
These circles show the environmental systems around the child.

The Different Levels of the Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System

  1. Microsystem : This is the immediate environment for a child that affects his / her development. Microsystem family (i.e. home) and school.
    It has a direct impact on the child and also the maximum impact in growth and development of the child.
    For example : Behaviour of parents towards a child, School environment, Home environment, Relation of parents and caregivers etc.
  2. Meso System : This one is the second circle around the child that affects his / her development indirectly, from here the indirect impact of the environment on the child starts. Meso System includes interaction of different microsystems that helps in a child’s development or impact in a child’s development.
    For Example: Interaction of Home and School (Home × School) i.e. Parents Teacher meeting.
  3. Exosystem : It includes formal and informal social structures, while these are not directly interacting with the child. For Example: Parents odd job timings affect the child’s care, Favourite school teacher transfer in another school, stressful job of caregivers can lead to an unhappy environment in the home that affects a child’s holistic development etc.
  4. Macrosystem: The macrosystem is a wider element that includes Culture , Society, country, religious norms and values, socio – economical status, mass media etc. Influence or Delay in the child’s development due any of the above is counted under the macrosystem. For Example : Students from economically weaker sections or families have limited opportunities in comparison to students from affluent families.
  5. Chronosystem : This is the last level of the bio-ecological system, in this child face changes due to time or transition during lifespan. Some of these transitions are predictable, for example  : when will the child start schooling. Historical facts also fall under this, like demonetization impact on their life.
    Changes in the environment / society according to time that affects a child’s development indirectly are included under the chronosystem.

Conclusion of Ecological Theory

According to this theory child should be socially and academically active, Parent teacher relation is very important for child’s development. Parent should give proper time to thier childrens and encourage them to regularly collaborate with their peers in meaningful learning. We learned contextual influences on development and Environmental influences on development. Positive and meaningful environment always boast enjoyment and learning.

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By Dr. Dev Arora

Hey there! I'm Dev, and let me tell you a bit about myself. Education has been my passion since I was a kid, and I've dedicated my life to teaching and learning.

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